9 Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol (Health Tips)

Ways To Lower Cholesterol Naturally

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In present time increase in cholesterol level has become a major problem for all adults as well as children. Increase in cholesterol level leads to an increase in the risk of heart attacks. The main reason behind the increase in cholesterol level is living a life which is highly stressful and a reduction in work which utilizes a good amount of energy.

Along with all these factors, bad food habit is also responsible for increasing cholesterol. If you really want to lower your cholesterol level then you will have to bring a change in your lifestyle and food habits.

Let's start with several ways to lower cholesterol level.

1. Increase Consumption Of High-Fiber Foods

When you are beginning for lowering your cholesterol level then the very first thing you need to do is to increase the consumption of high-fiber foods in your diet. Fiber brings out the cholesterol particles along with it out of the body and hence helps lower this type of cholesterol. The major High-Fiber Foods are Oats, Jaw, Sweet Potato, Apple and beans. Along with these foods carrots, sprouts, oranges all are great sources of high fiber.

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2. Start Consumption Of Polyunsaturated Fats 

Fats are of several types. The major two types of fats are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats harm our health and thus considered bad for health. At the other hand, unsaturated fats are something which is really beneficial for our health and does not cause any harm to us. Polyunsaturated fats are a type of unsaturated fats only.

The benefits of polyunsaturated fats are that they help to reduce the cholesterol level and thus help to reduce the risk of heart disease. The best source of polyunsaturated fats is fish. The people who are completely vegetarian can go for akhrot and alsi. Hence, consuming a good amount of fats also help you reduce the cholesterol level.

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3. Avoid The Consumption Of Transfats

Transfat is a type of saturated fats and I hope that you are well aware of the harms caused by saturated fats. Thus the consumption of trans fats is bad for your health. Transfat is most commonly found in deep-fried food recipes, baked recipes and creams. Its regular consumption leads to an increase in LDL cholesterol level which is really bad and along with it decreases the level of good cholesterol known as HDL to about 20%.

So, avoid consumption of deep-fried, baked or creamy foods since they will increase your cholesterol level beyond your expected level.

4. Increase Consumption Of Plant Protein

Plant protein indicates that protein which we get from natural vegetation or plants. It doesn't refer to those which we get from dairy products or non-veg food item. This protein can be obtained in a great amount from pulses, soybean, grams, peanuts, nuts and all types of dry fruits. These plant protein are of great help to lower your cholesterol.

5. Workouts For Lowering Cholesterol

Exercises and workouts not only help to control weight but along with it work great to reduce the level of bad cholesterol such as LDL cholesterol. If you are uncomfortable or unable to do exercises, then you must go for at least half an hour of morning walk. Along, with all these reduce the use of your vehicles for covering smaller distances and start using your staircase in place of lifts. These small steps can be of great worth to reduce your cholesterol level.

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6. Increase Soluble Fiber Content To Lower Cholesterol

Soluble fiber helps our body to reduce the consumption of cholesterol in our bloodstream. The foods which contain a high amount of soluble fiber are kidney beans, oatmeal, apples, pears, and Brussels sprouts.

7. Try To Quit Smoking

The best thing which quitting smoking does is that it helps to increase the level of good cholesterol that is HDL. These benefits are very quick:

 A. Just at an interval of 20 minutes after quitting, you will have a recovery of your heart rate from the cigarette-induced spike.

 B. Just under three months from the time you quitted smoking, your blood circulation and lung function will get a good boost.

 C. Just in a year, you will reduce the risk of heart disease to half of what a normal smoker has.

8. Consume Alcohol In Moderation

Moderate level of alcohol consumption is well efficient to improve your level of HDL which as you know is good cholesterol- but this benefit is not such great that anyone who doesn't take would go for it.

If you are an alcohol user, go for it in moderation. Healthy men and women who are 65 and above can go for one drink a day, while at the same time people below 65 and younger who are healthy an go for twice a day.

Too much alcohol consumption can lead to increased risk of high blood pressure, failure of heart and strokes.

9. Go For Foods High In Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Omega-3 Fatty acids don't have any impact on LDL cholesterol. But they have a number of heart-health benefits, benefits for blood pressure control, etc. Food that is high in omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed, salmon, herring, and walnuts. This was also one of the lower cholesterol food list.

Hence these were some of the great ways to lower cholesterol which are highly effective. Even if you don't have an increased cholesterol level, you can go for it. making a small change in your lifestyle could save you from leading a future with diseases. A healthy lifestyle is the best lifestyle you must be knowing.

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