17 Proven Scientific Ways To Relieve Stress (Stress Relief)

17 Scientifically Backed Ways To Relieve Stress

There are many myths about ways to relieve stress. But today I will be saying you 17 great science-backed proven ways to treat stress and anxiety right now. Is there anybody who doesn't feel stressed these days between work and school and zombie TY shows and money in YouTube and family and relationships and everything else?
Being busy and stressed seems to be the new norm. The problem is that stress highly damaging to our health and well being. Chronic stress has been associated with poor sleep, low testosterone level, high blood pressure, heart attacks, infertility, erectile dysfunction, damaged skin, stubborn body fat and lots of other terrible things you don't want in your life. That's why today here in my unique article, I am going to show you 17 scientifically proven stress relief methods right now!

Here are these great steps which you need to follow while you are on your way to relieve stress.

Ways To Relieve Stress


1. Eat Something Or Chew Gum

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Science has shown that chewing on something or eating lowers stress. To avoid the calories, you can always chew sugar-free gums. Just doing this will give you instant relief from your excess stress. Let's move to the second factor.

2. Do Some Yoga

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It has been proven to lower cortisol levels and greatly reduce the stress in its regular practitioners. Just 20 minutes of yoga will give you these amazing effects.

3. Meditation

Just 5 minutes of concentrated deep breathing and meditation has been shown to both lower blood pressure and at the same time reduce your cortisol level. There are plenty of free guided meditation apps available on your google play-store for beginners that can be downloaded on your phone right now.

4. Walk Away From The Computer

Uninterrupted using your computer for hours has also been greatly connected with increased stress, lost sleep, and depression. Take frequent breaks throughout your day and make sure to shut it off one hour before you fall asleep. 

5.Cuddle Something

Oxytocin which is commonly known as the cuddle hormone also starts releasing when you spend time with others or cuddle. This hormone has been shown to create a buffer against stress and will lower your heart rate and cortisol level which is too necessary for stress relief when it is released.

6. Listen To Some Stress Relieving Music

Research points to the multiple ways in which music can help to relieve stress and trigger biochemical stress reducers. There is plenty a great music available on YouTube videos for this and at below I have provided a YouTube video which I personally use to relieve my own stress. So, stress relief music are also great way to get rid of your stress.

7. Watch A Funny Video

Laughter has been shown to reduce the physical effects of stress and lower blood pressure. So, next time when you are feeling too heavy and stressful or anxious, follow what science says and watch a funny cat video.

8. Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

All body parts from fingers to your toes, tense and then relax each muscle group in the body. This will help relieve tension and you will get to know that once the muscles of your body are relaxed, the mind will soon follow.

9. Turn Your Freaking Phone Off

just talking on the phone has been shown to raise blood pressure, when you need a break, just turn your phone on airplane mode so that no one can reach you on calls, for an hour and put it out of your sight.

10. Hop-Off Facebook For A Week

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Facebook has been proven to lower our happiness and make us feel sadder and less satisfied. Studies have shown that when people deactivated their facebook account, they felt happier and less worried. 

11. Go For A Walk

Just having a walk through your neighborhood for only about 10 minutes will boost your endorphins and reduce your stress hormone. If you can walk, start using parks or a place associated with nature for walking, if you want greater effects on relieving your stress.

12. Use Your Nose

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There are plenty of studies that support aromatherapy as a great way to reduce your stress. Some unique and fantastic smelling scents like that of lavender and peppermint have been shown to repeatedly reduce stress levels.

13. Take Vitamin C

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Having vitamin C rich foods has been shown to stop cortisol in its tracks and thus lower your stress levels within your body. If you don't have a vitamin C pill or package around yourself, then you must move for drinking some lemon water for instant effect and quick boost.

14. Write Your Feels

Keeping a gratitude journal has been shown to make people happier internally over time. Even doing something as simple as writing out some new thing's in your personal diary will work great.

15. Take A Cat Nap

Napping has also been proven scientifically to reduce cortisol levels and thus helps as an aid in stress relief. A simple 20-30 minutes nap is perfect for a boost in energy and reduction of stress.

16. Have Sex Well

At least after the time, you have finished up with your deed has been shown to reduce stress levels.

17. Buy A Puppy

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Studies have found out that those who own dogs get less stressed than those who don't. Most like from the ability to cuddle with something and take badass Instagram photos.

Hence these were some of the ways to relieve stress which I had like to share with you. These work really great if you want to get rid of stress instantly.

So, here I would like to wind up with 17 science-backed ways to relieve stress just right now. Hope that you liked this article.

You May Watch This Video For More On Stress Relief.

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